Love of my Life

Love of my Life
Happy moments... Praise God. Difficult moments... seek God. Quiet painful moments... Trust God. Every moment... Thank God.

February 23, 2010

call from the oncologist - one year

I was all ready to go shopping today with my Grandmother Morris. I was excited to get dressed up to go out to lunch and to have a little fun. Then the phone rang. It's was Dr. Taylor, the oncologist, who took my scans to the Tumor Board meeting last night. The Tumor Board made up of many doctors, giving their opinions. Their advice... no surgery... while they may be able to resect some, it would not be enough to make a dramatic difference, and quite frankly it was to risky. The quality of life could be bad. What do I do? I asked, "How long am I going to live?"
Her response... probably one year.

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