Love of my Life

Love of my Life
Happy moments... Praise God. Difficult moments... seek God. Quiet painful moments... Trust God. Every moment... Thank God.

February 17, 2010

Decision time... Oncologist consultation on Thursday

I'm thinking I need to move forward with the surgery. While I've (we've) considered getting a second opinion, our confidence in Dr. Clough is very high, and all of our research is presenting the same options as Dr. Clough's recommendations. Before we make a final decision, we'll consult with the Oncologist at KU Medical Center, Dr. Sarah Taylor. I've learned that she is very good, and she only treats patients with malignant brain tumors. Lucky me... that's a joke. My questions for Dr. Taylor are around the success rate of slowing the growth, and shrinking the current tumor, if we only use chemo. My concern with surgery is around the side effects of operating on the brain. I already have some disabilities, I don't need more. This is something I have to seriously evaluate.

So much to consider.

Dr. Clough's office called to schedule the surgery. If I move forward it will be March 3, at 8:30. My pre-op is Feb 24 at 11:00 where they explain what I will experience in the awake procedure.

My sister shared the following quote with me today - "If you're going through hell, keep on going." from Winston Churchill.

I'm sure that when I make it through this, I will feel as if I've been through hell.

On a positive note, I got to spend the day with my Grandmother. Yumm.. homemade waffles, card games, etc. Thank goodness for Grandmothers!

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